martes, 24 de julio de 2018

                                                         CIRCUMCISION IN TURKEY
The sünnet is a big celebration in Turkey especially in Istanbul since it means the son´s passage from boyhood to man besides boys dress up a traditional costumes of the celebration before the operation parents help their children to relax and the circumcision only lasts a few seconds and it is looking for all the boy’s family.
Now if we compare circumcision with haircut in the social aspect from Peru, circumcision could be take it in the worst aspect for Peruvian since it affects neither their rights nor their integrity since my perspective like Peruvian that is something against with our human laws and an example of those characterizes is the gay marriage due we are not prepared to take it like something legal.(by Ramos Justiniano Johan)

                                                             Haircute in Peru
Haircut is a famous ceremony in Peru similar to the circumcision in Turkey, it consist in cut the baby’s hair after the baptism it mean the first haircut of the son, moreover that ceremony mean that the baby became to child, it is less pain than the circumcisions although on some time baby’s react is crying, nevertheless, is a beautiful ceremony where the family meet in a specific place to celebrate farther many families spend a lot of money to do the party.
On the other hand, time ago it was a ritual in the old Peru, as said the tradition it encourages that families give some gifts to the parents or directly to the baby. (by Camayo arias jose)
PANAMERICANA, (2016) tradicional corte de pelo: cabello de recien bautisado vale dinero en Puno. Recover from:
Orrego R., (2011) rito corte primero de cabello andes. Retrived from:
Babes Mundo, (2009). Su primer corte de cabello. Retrived from:

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