jueves, 19 de julio de 2018

Certainly this article would have been better if I had not waited until the last time to do it and usually in some occasions like this, you had activities and you say yourself that you will do it nevertheless at last you avoided those activities because you supposedly had to do another or you did not feel like doing that. This process has the name of procrastination which usually is centered neither your thoughts nor your behavior nevertheless there are a lot of strategies to stop procrastination and if you follow those strategies, you could stop becoming productive in other activities, what you simply do to do and finish that pending activity in this way It seems like a waste of time, because you're doing absolutely nothing. But in reality it is a training for your brain.
Has it started since child?
now I want you first think in those moment when you supposedly would do those important activities, then you did not and I want you analyze and maybe you thought that you did not feel like doing those activities it takes up when we spend time on internet maybe neither you could believe the time lost in it nevertheless currently it gat people around the world due to nowadays as you can see children grow up with a dependence on technological machines as: computers, tablets among others in reading emails, checking social media and usually it is part of our “dear procrastination” besides this is a tendency of the human brain which shows how does human brain can avoid any activity?
Do we can kick our procrastination?
There are many forms to kick your procrastination an example is the rule of two minutes it is based when you have any activity to do and it is very important for you maybe it could help you since you must to play or lay with your mind also when you say yourself that activity you will finish in 2 minutes, it consist to do that activity faster possible due to when you are used to do, you could do any activity in that moment and you will finish it. At the same you must to change your life, since it affects your member´s family maybe you are not conscious of that besides it could affect your personality life for instance in the school or maybe in the work so you must to have goals to overcome your personality and make a better person than before.
Although researches say that procrastination is impulse by “time inconsistency” which there is ways to overcome of this besides it means to two mentalities one of that refers to the future and the other for the present with respect at the first it is based in the selection of goals and how do you achieve it and the present refer to take action. At the same time this is one reason where you can go to bed feeling to make a change in your life is like when your brain values the benefit that they are in the future but it comes to the present moment. the second is the present which trite to make any activity in that moment and the other is the future which consist in to have goals and look any way to achieve it and for having those you must to effort mentally and physically at the same time it could have some inefficiencies if you do not recognize that you are a procrastination person because if you do not recognize any way could help you since all depend of you and if you want you could do it if not don’t
Finally, is important to remind you that this term is commonly applied to the sense of anxiety generated for a pending task without having the willpower to conclude it. The act that is postponed can be perceived as challenging, disturbing, dangerous, difficult, tedious or boring, that is, stressful, for which it is replaced to postpone it to an idealized sine die future, in which what is important is subordinated to the urgent since it could help you to prioritize your activities among the important and the most important.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello, Johan.
    I have read your article, then I was very surprised because the topic is really interesting besides procrastination is a real situation that people have and had since they were a child, maybe on some occasion, we cannot avoid falling into it, on the other hand, your article gave some methods to face it moreover we need to remind that it is a normal case that our brain always make, so I like the information farther it is going to be useful for me.
